kent’s video postcard

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Kent, “The Ace Breaker”, United States

Kent took a three-month career break to escape the post-merger acrimony after the consulting firm where he was employed was purchased. He originally intended to quit, but the partners of his firm convinced him to take a few months off and return to the firm after the upcoming summer.

An avid tennis player then living in Atlanta, Georgia, Kent approached one of the local tennis clubs about hosting a summer program for the city’s underprivileged youth. In addition to getting the club to donate court time, Kent worked to have all the equipment, tennis shoes for the kids and the pros’ time donated to his cause.  About 25 kids enrolled in the program which lasted 8 weeks. The break gave him the chance to do something he had wanted to do for a long time and gave him the perspective he needed on his career before re-entering the workforce as a healthcare consultant now living in Tampa, Florida.

His advice to people thinking about a career break? “Do it!  Do something fun. Do something to get out and take advantage of the time you have.” And for reintegrating back into the workforce?  “It [The experience] plays well for future employers. Those that don’t appreciate my career break, I wouldn’t want to work for anyway.”
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