video travel guide series

A sneak peek at our soon to be released Video Travel Guides…

Why are we only offering our guides on video and not as a book? Other than the fact that we live in an increasingly digital and mobile world, video offers the traveler many advantages over written guides.

First and foremost, you can actually see the places we’re covering.  You can see the landscapes, the people and the sites in a way that you can’t otherwise.

Next, you will get the context of the place very quickly.  As adults, we learn by watching and moving pictures allows you to “get it” quickly and easily. Reading about a place you’ve never been can be difficult to understand exactly what the author is talking it, even when it’s well written.  Of course, if you are still in your job, you may not even have the time to sit down and read the information.  A short video can get you the information you need in the short time you have.

Finally, as a traveler you probably don’t want a bunch of books weighing you down. Our guides and resources are downloadable so you can take them with you on the same portable device you were going to take with you anyway.

Season 1 Video Travel Guides Coming Sept. 18, 2010!

Our first season of video travel guides will feature career break activities in Spain, South Africa, New Zealand, Patagonia (both Argentina and Chile) and Colombia. We’ll be covering three types of career break activities:

1. Those where you can pick up a new skill.  For example, Jeff has been to a cooking school in Spain and a sailing school in New Zealand.

2. Those where you can give back.  For example, in South Africa, Jeff looked into volunteer programs at a AIDS/HIV orphanage and a monkey sanctuary.

3. Those that give you an interesting way to see a country. For example, Jeff walked on the famous Camino de Santiago in northern Spain and took the TransScenic rail across New Zealand.

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