Posts Tagged ‘career break planning’
4 Things Science Tells Us About Planning a Career Break
Written By: jeff
Posted On: March 28th, 2011
¨Sabbatical Leave Promotes Well Being¨ That is the bottom-line conclusion of a recent academic study, ¨Sabbatical Leave: Who Gains and How Much?¨, conducted by researchers from the US, Israel and New Zealand. The study published in August 2010 by the American Psychological Association in its Journal of Applied Psychology attempted to measure the effects [...]
Review of ¨Negotiating Your Sabbatical¨ e-book
Written By: jeff
Posted On: February 24th, 2011

The truth is, most people who want to take a sabbatical or a career break want to go back to their old job. One of the biggest myths out there is that people who take a break really just want to leave their job. Consider this statistic, in 2008, Mintel reported that 70% of people [...]
Dream. Play. Plan. With Airtreks’ TripPlanner
Written By: jeff
Posted On: January 5th, 2011

Part of the fun of planning a long-term trip, whether it be around the world, or focused on a couple of continents, is dreaming about the possibilities. Where you leave from is the easiest part. From then on, it’s all possibilities. Not only did I use Airtreks on my career break and round the world [...]
What To Ask Before You Pay to Volunteer On Your Career Break
Written By: Sarah Van Aucken
Posted On: May 12th, 2010

When choosing an international volunteer trip, many people cite cost as the most important factor. Some of the concerns voiced are, “Why should I pay if I’m giving my time?” and “If one group is less expensive than the other, does that mean it’s not as good?” To answer the first question, most service organizations [...]