jeff’s career break
Written By: jeff
Posted On: July 31st, 2011

This past week while on the road, I got some great news. In November, I took a Spanish fluency exam given through the Spanish government. It’s called the DELE (Diploma Español como Lengua Extranjera). My goal during 2007 was not only to learn to speak Spanish fluently, but to pass this exam. There are 3 […]
Wrapping Up Patagonia in Chiloé and Valdivia
Written By: jeff
Posted On: July 24th, 2011

On Saturday, March 1, around noon I headed off to the pier to catch my ferry from Chaitén to Quellón on the island of Chiloé. I had a final conversation with the family who owned the home where I was staying. We talked about Chilean life in southern Chile and how different it was to […]
4x4ing the Carretera Austral
Written By: jeff
Posted On: July 17th, 2011

On Monday morning after saying a quick goodbye to Matt, I went into town to have a quick breakfast and find a car to drive. I quickly hit a roadblock as all the agencies seemed to be out of cars. Furthermore, the prices were even more outlandish than I had originally heard. I started doubting […]
Getting Started on the Southern Patagonia Highway, aka, “La Carretera Austral”
Written By: jeff
Posted On: July 10th, 2011
On Friday, February 22, we got up, had a quick breakfast at the hostel and headed for the bus company. We heard that that the bus across to Chile Chico, Chile left just after noon, so we hoped to still be able to get a ticket. The ideal scenario for the day was cross the […]
Camping Amongst the Glaciers and Mountains
Written By: jeff
Posted On: July 3rd, 2011

On Saturday, February 16th, I said goodbye to Puerto Natales and temporarily, Chile. I boarded the bus for El Calafate, Argentina, site of one of the most impressive glaciers around. After a more than 6 hour bus ride, I arrived at the bus station to find my friend Matt waiting. After dumping my bags at […]
Taking It Slow Down South
Written By: jeff
Posted On: June 26th, 2011

On Monday, February 11th, we slept in after our long night getting the car back from the Torres Del Paine park. After over a week on the boat and the trip through the park, we had tons of laundry to do and all just needed a day’s break. So, we all hung out around Puerto […]
Driving Through Torres Del Paine
Written By: jeff
Posted On: June 19th, 2011

I slept in Friday morning needing some extra hours after the boat trip where I slept OK, but not great. Arris had a car he rented in Argentina and Eva, Linda, Zoe and I decided to go with him to drive through the Torres Del Paine park. We headed out of Puerto Natales in the […]
It’s the People That You Meet 3
Written By: jeff
Posted On: May 29th, 2011

It’s been a while since my last “It’s The People That You Meet” piece (August). And, given that I’ve just started a 5 week sojourn, I figured it was time to complete the update. So, here goes. Here are all (or really, most) of the people I’ve met along the way for better or […]
Cruising Through the Patagonian Islands and Fjords
Written By: jeff
Posted On: May 22nd, 2011

I arrived in the city of Puerto Montt on Monday morning to begin my 5 week adventure through Chile (and, time permitting, a little of Bolivia). I headed straight for the dock where I would leave on my cruise to check in with Navimag. I handed in my backpack and had 4 hours to walk […]
The Highs and Lows of Santiago
Written By: jeff
Posted On: May 15th, 2011

I arrived in Santiago on December 28 and stayed through January. My plan was simple: take some time in the gym to continue on the weight loss path I had been on since September in Buenos Aires and take a photography course to improve my photography skills. Further, I arrived to a small group of […]