Some of the people that I met! Copyright CareerBreaKSecrets.com
Back in May, I started a list trying to capture all the interesting people I have been meeting along the way. This trip wouldn’t have been the same without them, for better or for worse. It still amazes me how quickly you can meet people and bond. It may be temporary, but it’s quick and thick until you both move on and then never see each other again.
After a summer/winter full of travel, it’s time to augment the list. So, here goes.
- “Corny” & friends – met on the Mexican cruise. The cruise would not have been the same without old corny and pals. Loved her passion for life and dessert. And, as she told us, “Just because it’s in front of you, doesn’t mean you have to eat it.”
- The Amazon crew – Daniela, Magno, Michelle, Gina, Debbie, Tom, Ron, Shirley, and Alice. Had a great time exploring the Amazon with you all. I’ll go swimming in the Amazon with you anytime.
- Leo, amigo from Quito. Un gusto conocerte. Ojalá que nos veamos otra vez pronto.
- Pato, amigo from Guayaquil. Gracias por venir a Cuenca conmigo. Espero que tus estudios vayan bien. Suerte!
- The random Kichwa women on the buses in southern Ecuador. Really enjoyed the conversations comparing notes on our two countries.
- Rob, from Loja. Ciao. Cuidate.
- My fellow Galapagos passengers – Charlie’s DC Angels aka, Sara, Molly and Emilie, Freya, David and Willemijn, Andy, Anne, Ramsey, the very well-behaved and entertaining kids, Ivo & Annette, Fabian & Melanie, Fabian & Emma, and the rest. Had a great time with you all on the trip. Definitely had memories for a lifetime.
- The Galapagos crew, esp Williams, Frank and Gabriel, gracias otra vez por un viaje inolvidable.
- Carola and family – owner of hostel in Cusco. Thanks for taking me to the doctor personally to deal with my toe.
- Kevin – roommate in hostel in Cusco. Hope you had a good trek on the Inca Trail. Next time I go to Inti Rami, I’m paying for the good seats.
- Cameron Diaz & Bill Gates – superstar actress and businessman. It was great spending the solstice with you, even though we never met and, technically, were never in the same part of Cusco at the same time.
- Ronaldo, amigo from Lima. Gracias por hacer mi tiempo en Peru mejor. Cuidate.
- Pili – friend from BA, met in Santiago. Oye loca, nos vemos en BsAs pronto, no?
- Mariela – friend from Santiago. Nunca he conocido ningun chileno con tanta energia como tu. Oye huenona, nos vemos en diciembre y festejar en Blondie!
- Christian – met in Santiago through Ale. Nos vemos en dic y vamos todos a Blondie otra vez.
- Helo, Regus & Victor. Thanks for taking care of me in Brazil. Had a tremendous time. But, next time, we’re not eating so much. The ski season isn’t long enough to work it all off.
- Archino (Fala), Patricia and Antonio. Good time traveling to the beach with you guys. One word of advice for Antonio, you must chill!
- Miguel, Lucy and Tiago and Natalia – Helo’s and, therefore, my brother, sister-in-law and niece and nephew. I know, I know. One month in Brazil and 3 months in Argentina. But, I’ll be back – only if Miguel promises no more singing! See you on Skype.
- Carlos and Ligia – Helo’s sister and brother-in-law. Enjoy the country home. Can’t wait to see it on my next trip out.
- Luiz and Lourdes Valdrighi – Helo’s mom and dad. Thanks for the all the great food, especially the peanut brittle that was A-OK. Next time, I promise not to flip you off inadvertently when complimenting your cooking.
- Regus’s mom, Edna. Thanks for the great lunch. All the best.
- Francisco, Jane and Rodrigo, Regus’s brother, sister-in-law, and son. Way too little time together. When I get back, we’ll have a few Skol’s and catch up.
- Suzy & Beto – friends of Helo’s. Thanks for the trip to Sao Paolo and the BBQ lunch. Really enjoyed both.
- Sergio & Leigh – friends of Helo’s. Next time – more samba, I promise.
- Sergio (Polako or Po) & Vera – friends of Helo’s and Brazilian sheriff. I am still sore from laughing at your stories. I will never forget “Kookie Hee” (the laughing cookie, also the laughing ass) or the story about the red shoes.
- Suzy & Lucy’s dad and sisters. Thanks for a great meal and for the wine. You guys are excellent cooks – best Lebanese meal of my life.
- Celeste & Sidinha, Helo’s maid and nanny. Thanks for taking super care of me while at Helo’s.
- Beto’s mom, stepdad and family. Really enjoyed the book signing and Italian meal afterwards in Sao Paolo. Good luck with sales.
- Marcela – random meeting at book signing. Enjoyed meeting you and your mother-in-law. All the best.
- Ari, my driver between Sao Paolo and Piracicaba. Nobody in Brazil drives safer than you. Thanks.
- Quime Quipan staff: Jorge, Solange, Lidia, Estela y Zulema. Gracias por todos en Bariloche: por hacer mi visita mas comodo y por orientarme en Bariloche.
- Fernando, BA broker. Gracias por ayudarme en liberar mi equipo. Nos vemos en BsAs.
- Pablo, ski instructor. Gracias por todos. Suerte con “kite surfing” y disfruta Suiza esta temporada que viene.
- Nice Spanish family at the B&B. Gracias otra vez para llevarme a la hosteria despues del crucero. Disfruten su viaje en argentina y tal vez, nos vemos en madrid.
- Odd Brazilian couple on the boat. Enjoyed talking to you until you started in with the offensive jokes and the complaining about the tour not being in Portuguese. Next time, save it.
- Guillermo, lawyer from BA. Nos vemos pronto en BsAs.
Originally Published August 19, 2007
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