Last week I was interviewed by Janice Waugh, the brains behind the popular travel blog Janice and I met in June in New York at the Travel Blogger Conference, TBEX. And, she was a fellow host of Meet Plan Go in Toronto, which was the largest of all the Meet Plan Go events around North America. Here’s a great picture of Janice tasting crickets!
The interview is broken up into 3 parts.
1. Part 1: My career break experience.
2. Part 2: Traveling Solo in 3 countries: Spain, Colombia and Turkey
3. Part 3: Turning my travels into a business (coming December 1)
As the interviews are posted, I’ll update this post with the links to the interviews. Each video is about 5 minutes. Watch and enjoy!
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Tags: Media Appearances
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Sherry Ott, BriefcasetoBackpack. BriefcasetoBackpack said: Via @CareerBrkSecret Jeff Featured on 3 Part Video Interview Series on [...]