I love road trips. It’s one of my favorite ways to travel no matter where I am in the world. There are a lot of factors that make for a great road trip, but that is for a future blog post.
In July, I got the pleasure of hanging out with two of nieces over the 4th of July holiday in Colorado while I was back in the US. I picked them up in central Texas and then we made the 1000 mile trip out to the Rocky Mountains. The last time I got to take them somewhere, we went to South Padre Island and wound up on the Girls Gone Wild floor at the Sheraton hotel. True story.
I love a good roadtrip but the truth is, you can’t always count on the scenery to keep you entertained all the time. One of the secrets to a great roadtrip is being on the lookout for the details, the quirks, the crazy stuff that you might not normally see. If you have it in you to appreciate the kitschy side of road travel, you can hold on even in the most desolate landscapes.
I stopped to take a few pics of some of the quirky stuff we saw on this journey.
1. Get your biblically raised bambi right here at Venison World in Eden, Texas. Don’t worry if you can’t get there. They have a website and will ship to you.
2. Helloooooooo ladies. If you ever thought that the car care industry ignored your needs, then head on out to Big Spring, Texas where you can get that lube job you’ve been needing. And, don’t worry, it’ll be quick.
3. From black gold to green and clean. The west Texas landscape is emblematic of our current energy situation. New wind farms show the future while oil derricks show our continued reliance on fossil fuels. Nothing funny here. I just thought the imagery was simple and powerful.
4. I love to page through the roadside newspapers. There are always a few ads like this one that makes me laugh…and just a little bit nervous that there’s a business out there whose target demographic is the joy rider wannabe.
5. It’s too bad Aspen is a poor city and can’t afford an agency to help it with its communications. Otherwise someone might have told them that no one wants to read about a crash while riding in a gondola, even if it’s an economic crash.
6. This van had a lot going on with it. With my nieces in the car, I was glad to be riding behind it. But, this is the influenced driver that shares. Just take a look at the black bumper sticker for a liquor store recommendation for your next trip out to Colorado.
7. Light German Food? These were the light options at the German restaurant where we ate back in Texas once we got back. With all these light options, it’s hard to choose between the broiled chicken and the chicken fried steak.

So, how many Weight Watchers points are in a proper Chicken Fried Steak? Copyright CareerBreakSecrets.com
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Tags: Photo Essay, Roadtrip
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jeff Jung, Jeff Jung. Jeff Jung said: Just for quirk: A photo essay of my July roadtrip from Texas to Colorado. http://budurl.com/kax7 http://fb.me/Hj7wT1xk […]