Jeff in Patagonia. Copyright CareerBreakSecrets.com
It’s been just over 3 years since I started my career break trip. As we are going through the launch of Career Break Secrets, I realized that most of the people coming to the site, don’t really know who I am or my own career break story. Of course, I have the blurb about me in the ¨About Us¨section of the site. But, that doesn’t really tell you much about my career break.
So, starting this Sunday, April 18, I will retell my it. How? I will take my blog posts from that time period and repost them here. The good, the bad, the ugly, it will all be copied and pasted on Career Break Secrets under the ¨Jeff’s Career Break¨ section of the blog. Due to some technical issues I had with my old site, I don’t have the complete story. But, my posts cover a year’s worth of my trip through South America: Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil and Uruguay. every Sunday morning there will be a new post up with a few pictures relating to the post.
I hope you enjoy reading about my travels. As always, please be sure to comment and let me know what you think. Hope you enjoy the time of my life when I was reminded that life is out there.
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[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jeff Jung. Jeff Jung said: I´m retelling my #careerbreak #travel story. Here are the details http://budurl.com/3l8p #lp #rtwsoon #rtwnow… http://bit.ly/dyatCw [...]