Posts Tagged ‘career break advice’
Introducing the B-Side of the Gap Adventures Career Break Series, Ditch the Cubicle
Written By: jeff
Posted On: August 30th, 2011
Excited. Not sure how else to describe the launch of the Gap Adventures’ Career Break Video series. Through the course of 10 videos (OK, 9 if you don’t include the introduction video), I’ll take you through the process of preparing for a career break and give you some ideas on how to get the [...]
Canada Catching Career Break Fever
Written By: jeff
Posted On: August 29th, 2011
Gap Adventures just released a survey of Canadian attitudes towards work-life balance and their interest in taking a career break. And it looks like Canadians would love to take a break to travel. Background of the Gap Adventures 2011 Labour Day Poll I provided input to Gap Adventures during the creation of the survey. There [...]
Jeff Jung Teams Up with Gap Adventures to Raise Awareness of Career Break Travel in Canada
Written By: Cheryl Habbe
Posted On: August 29th, 2011
Jeff Jung, the Career Break Guy and the host of the Career Break Secrets travel show, has been named the career break travel media spokesman for Gap Adventures Canada as they launch campaign promoting career break travel called Ditch The Cubicle. Campaign includes a media tour across Canada and a 10-part video series on career break travel advice hosted by Jeff.
5 Most Important Things to Do Before You Quit
Written By: jeff
Posted On: July 25th, 2011
If you’re contemplating a career break, the thrill of the upcoming adventure may be only matched by the anxiety of prepping for it. Before you can get on the road and start relaxing and rebalancing, there are lots of things to take care of, details about your life and your trip to get in order. [...]
Career Break Or…Picking Vendors From RFPs
Written By: jeff
Posted On: June 22nd, 2011
Picking Vendors from RFPs Or Wine Tasting in Spain It’s a beautiful afternoon, sun is shining and decisions have to be made…red or white? Oh wait, I mean, it’s time to review those RFP binders for the new IT system that’s going to revolutionize how your company operates. What could be more fun than reading [...]
Career Break Or…Ordering Office Supplies
Written By: jeff
Posted On: June 15th, 2011
Honestly, I’m a bit of an office supply nerd. That’s probably a cry for help or a definitive sign that I needed a career break. Anyhoo. If you’re going to be on the search for something special, why not spend your time in the fresh markets in Spain. Enjoying Spanish cuisine doesn’t have to be [...]
Career Break Or…Birthday Cake in the Conference Room
Written By: jeff
Posted On: May 25th, 2011
Mmmmm. Fresh hot churros with warm, melted chocolate. Copyright fred_v ¨Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!¨ Office birthdays are always a mixed bag. On the surface it’s a happy occasion. Cake, singing, maybe even punch. And, let’s not forget the 15-20 minute break you get from work. Thought of that way, it’s a [...]
Career Break Or…Breakfast Meeting
Written By: jeff
Posted On: May 18th, 2011
Just when things start calming down, BOOM, another fire drill hits. Because this issue is ¨critical¨ and ¨we have to get on it right away¨, your boss calls for a breakfast meeting. The only saving grace is that there’s probably going to be coffee and maybe breakfast will be brought in (Please be breakfast tacos. [...]
Career Break Or…Trust Falls
Written By: jeff
Posted On: May 11th, 2011
Team building and trust within your work team are an important success factor in the working world. But, so often, those relationships fray. In-fighting, back-biting, sabotage and two-faced communications take over as people jockey for position to show that they are the top-dog with their boss. When things get really bad, your boss may decide [...]
Who’s Out There Now: Jeannie
Written By: jeff
Posted On: May 3rd, 2011

In this week’s ¨Who’s Out There Now¨ feature, we bring to you Jeannie, better known online as the Nomadic Chick. I first became aware of her site through the magic of Twitter at a tough time in her life. While she had already been planning her breakaway and had started blogging, she had just [...]