guest blog
How to Negotiate Your Career Break or Sabbatical
Written By: jeff
Posted On: February 17th, 2011

This post comes from Elizabeth Pagano, one of the co-founders of YourSabbatical. Elizabeth has personally helped lots of people negotiate their sabbaticals with their companies. So, I asked her to share her insight and expertise with us. While many more companies are offering paid and unpaid sabbatical benefits to their employees, not all are. But, […]
How to Deal With Your Resume Gap and Sell Yourself After a Career Break
Written By: jeff
Posted On: January 19th, 2011

The dreaded resume gap. It’s enough to make any wannabe career breaker take a pause. But, the landscape has drastically changed for workers. And, career breaks are no longer an automatic path to closed doors once you get back. Your resume and past experience is still relevant and valued. Furthermore, your career break could be […]
How To Decide If A Career Break Is For You
Written By: jeff
Posted On: January 12th, 2011

As a career break advocate, I am passionate about encouraging people to take some time out for themselves and getting out there. But, I recognize that it’s not for everyone. And, more importantly, it’s not always the right next move depending on what’s happening in your career or life at the moment. So, I’ve asked […]
What To Ask Before You Pay to Volunteer On Your Career Break
Written By: jeff
Posted On: May 12th, 2010

When choosing an international volunteer trip, many people cite cost as the most important factor. Some of the concerns voiced are, “Why should I pay if I’m giving my time?” and “If one group is less expensive than the other, does that mean it’s not as good?” To answer the first question, most service organizations […]
Characteristics of Successful Career Changers…and Career Breakers
Written By: jeff
Posted On: May 5th, 2010

Note: Today´s guest post comes to you from my personal career coach and friend, Dr. Peggy Ingram. A priest who became a best-selling author and a career guru. A family counselor from Texas who now runs an art gallery in Nantucket, Massachusetts. A boat builder who bought a sporting goods store. As a career counselor, […]
10 Ways to Avoid Career Break Travel Burnout
Written By: jeff
Posted On: March 3rd, 2010

I longingly looked at the Mombasa shore as we sailed off to the reef where we’d spent the afternoon snorkeling. I didn’t really want to be here. I wanted to be on the beach, simply relaxing and reading. However, I was talked into this snorkeling adventure because my friends said, “When will you ever get […]